How to Find a Good Builder — PART 2



Once you have a list of builders, how do you go about trying to choose one?

The first thing you need to determine about a builder is What Area Does He Specialize In? — Is his main focus quality, speed or price?


Everyone wants a quality home, but at the same time, you should definitely think twice before hiring the builder with the greatest reputation for quality.

This builder is probably taking advantage of his clients because of his reputation.  You will notice this when he bids your home plans, because his will be the highest bid by far.

A good quality builder is worth some extra, but how much more?  If you specify everything that is to be in your home, the quality guy isn’t going to build it out of gold, just charge like he did.


Nobody wants to get wrapped up in one of those “never-ending projects,” especially when it comes to your home. The sooner the home is finished, the better. You can start moving your stuff and getting settled down.

It’s always nice to work with a builder who can get the job done quickly, but at the same time, you need to keep in mind that if he focuses too much on speed, the quality will take a hit. You’re also going to be paying more for the extra speed.

A home should take 4-6 months to complete.  There are some builders who promise that they can have your home done much quicker; and it can be done, but don’t lock your mortgage rate just yet.  Chances are it will take longer than he told you.


In today’s world where Wal-Mart dominates the U.S. economy, it’s easy to see that people usually go for the lowest price; but that isn’t always the best idea when it comes to building a house.

NEVER go with the lowest bidder until you’ve had a chance to inspect his work. All builders are in the business to make money, and if they offer you significantly lower prices, it’s safe to say that they’re probably going to cut a few corners to make it worth their while.

My advice is to find the middle-of-the-road builder.  Look at all of the bids and ask lots of questions about their company.  Look at their homes and pay special attention to details like their concrete work, finish work, and paint work.

I’ve mentioned this before, but the NAHB really is a great organization (they’re the ones who sponsor the Parade of Homes).  I would recommend finding a builder who is a member of this association. Click Here to find NAHB members in your area.

I hope this info helps. Let me know what you think!