Ode to Ben


Remember the post I put up a week or so ago about green hacking? Well my source is a Do-It-Yourselfer out of Vermont, Ben Hewitt, who is living off the grid. Since his energy needs came from a gas generator (much more expensive than electical bills) and his entire system must be maintained by him alone, he has quite the motive to experiment with energy saving and efficiency methods. In other words, he’s taking it a step farther than your fancy dancy neighbor with a solar panel in suburbia. That guy seems to have everything and make it look so easy. Not Ben. He gets creative and has to do all the work himself. Read his blog at Popular Mechanics’ website. His story of self-sustainability is compelling, and you’ll learn a bit about it too. Oh, and when you see him in the pictures and think he looks a little bit like Luke Skywalker, it’s because he does…