Check out Green Hacking


I just ran across an interesting monthly (so far) blog about green hacking. Never heard of it? Neither had I. Basically, green hacking is modifying ordinary household items into energy saving machines. This is at least a fun blog to read, and at best an exciting way to darken your shade of green and save some bills. You know, keep the presidents in your pocket? Ben Hewitt is a freelance writer who lives off the grid and shares his personal hacking experience. I would call this bit of information a gem of knowledge, which is not quite a treasure chest but much better than a nugget.

My ultimate favorite so far, and there are only three, is the wood stove. My parents have one (see blog “the ‘warm’ fireplace”), so naturally I’m gearing up to pitch the idea to them and collect some awesome data. If I survive the venture, you’ll hear all about it.

The articles are from You’re looking for greenhacks by Ben Hewitt. If anyone actually does any of this stuff, please let me know. I’d love to hear the stories (except for the car one, that’s a little boring).