George Washington: General, President & Architect

George Washington's Mount Vernon

We celebrate George Washington, Commander-in-Chief, President and Architect.


Born at Wakefield Farm in Westmoreland County, Virginia, George Washington came from a prosperous family. For most of his life, he lived in Mount Vernon, a magnificent estate along the Potomac that he inherited from his older half-brother Lawrence. Starting in 1754 – the year he officially owned Mount Vernon – Washington spent about 30 years expanding and beautifying it.


A surveyor by trade, Washington helped lay out the plans for the town of Alexandria, Virginia. He also served as general and commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution. In 1789 the Electoral College elected Washington unanimously as the first president. He is the only president to have received 100 percent of the electoral votes. Washington served two terms (1789-1797) and refused to run for a third term.


He retired to Mount Vernon and continued to expand, renovate and refurbish its buildings. Look out for an upcoming article on how Mount Vernon’s simple and distinguished style inspired the Southern/Colonial designs of homes and buildings.