Time for New House Plans: Home Prices are Up by 10.9 Percent


Many people have just been waiting for this moment – with house prices now up by 10.9 percent, they can sell their home, find a new house plan on The Plan Collection, and then build a new one before the market increases.  In fact smart consumers already already purchased their property when prices bottomed out over the last several declining years.  According to  &P/Case-Shiller. The company offers an index based on tracking home prices in 20 cities throughout the United States. The largest gain in seven years, home prices in March rose by 10.9% from a year prior.

Interestingly, the same index also showed that all 20 cities had were showing  year-over-year growth for the third month in a row. What has actually led to the recent surges in home prices is the tight inventories and growing demand for housing in the U.S.

Source:  Wall Street Journal Article 5/28/13