Words of Wisdom for Homeowners and Beyond…


Sometimes I think I’m just a little too dramatic. Sure, a poorly designed home might require you to shampoo the carpet twice in two weeks (If you’re confused, see yesterday’s post), but there’s no use crying over cracked eggs.  I know I stated very clearly that you shouldn’t settle when it comes to buying or building a new house, but I have to amend that advice a little.

I really have learned a lot since I’ve started working in the house plans industry. Not only have I become very familiar with the design process, I’ve also learned some pretty important life lessons. I have learned that a little politeness goes a long way. If you want something done right, start with the right plan. And I also learned something called “THE 90% RULE“.

THE 90% RULE” is an interesting concept that began with house plans, but it is a principle that can be applied to anything. According to my good friend and professional home designer Jake England, there is no such thing as a perfect home plan. It just doesn’t exist. You will save yourself a lot of heartache and stress if you just accept this simple fact. Too many people (myself included) tend to expect too much out of their home. Some owner/builders can end up with ulcers before they even begin building their new house, just because they want the “perfect home”. Even if you weren’t constrained by a budget, I don’t think it’s possible to find a house plan that meets your every desire. As Jake put it in a previous article:

“You are asking imperfect people to use imperfect products to build you a perfect house. Guess what, it won’t be perfect. It should be a great home, but it will not be perfect. “

Now, I’m not excusing my own home — that Airlock is CRAZY! But I am saying that you need to be understanding. If you can learn to be happy when a home satisfies 90% of your wants, life will be a lot easier. It’s really a matter of perception and perspective.

THE 90% RULE is great when it comes to new homes and house plans, but you can really improve the quality of your life by applying it everywhere. Our homes, relationships – even our meals – will be much more fulfilling if we can be satisfied with 90%. It takes some effort; it takes practice; but I’m doing my best to apply this principle in my own life. After all, I’m not 100% perfect either — I’m just glad my wife was willing to settle for 90%.

So for all of you out there that are searching for your dream home, be sure to ask yourself if it satisfies 90% of your wants. If it does, it looks like you’ve got yourself the makings for a great home!